Sunday, December 6, 2015

How to Achieve the Greatest Benefit From Your Fitness Center Workouts

Making the decision to join a gym or fitness center may be easy, but actually reaping the benefits of a membership is a little trickier. Many people sign up for a membership but don’t make good use of it, and it’s entirely too easy to skip the workout altogether. This is especially true with the traditional gym where you’re on your own to plan your workouts. Following are some helpful tips on how to get the most out of your workouts. Cut the Chit Chat You’re going to a fitness center to work out and see results, and spending too much chatting can undermine your efforts. While it’s great motivation to work out with a friend, you’ll want to be sure that you’re actually moving and burning calories while you talk.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What a Fitness Center Wants You to Know about Your Body’s Metabolism

People often blame their bodies’ metabolism when they find themselves struggling with weight loss. In reality, metabolism actually refers to all the processes in the body that use energy, and, consequently, the number of calories your body is able to burn each day. Interested in learning how to keep your metabolism running high all day? Here are some little-known facts that can help you make the most out of your next work out session at your local fitness center: Men Have a Higher Metabolism A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition saw that men who were placed on a weight-loss regimen lost twice as much weight as women during the first two months. Explaining these results, the researchers associated this with men having more muscle mass and higher levels of testosterone, both of which are known to influence calorie burning.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Spice up Your Lifestyle by Going to a Fitness Center in Elk Grove

Increasing advancements in Technology have made it easier to breeze through your daily activities without too much effort. Businesses can now be transacted without having to leave the comfort of your home and even food reaches your doorstep with a single phone call. However, most people have grown so accustomed to the easy lifestyle afforded by technology that they have neglected the aspects of physical fitness, which is an integral indicator to overall health. This poses a serious challenge to physical and mental well-being, because inactivity is a known cause of cardiovascular diseases, anxiety, and depression.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Why You Should Ditch Steady State Cardio and Workout for Afterburn

Is your current workout regimen giving you the figure you want? Are you able to maximize your time in the gym? Or, are you like many who spend a couple of hours on the treadmill each week and end up with little to no change in sculpt at all?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Checklist for a Healthier You

A healthy lifestyle not only helps keep you from getting sick, but can also give you the body you’re always dreamed of. Maintaining good health depends on following these simple steps:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hammering the Core

Strengthening your core can benefit you in many ways, as the core muscles are used in all activities. Rock-solid core muscles are, therefore, essential if you want to do well in any sport or physical activity, including swimming. Whether you’re a competitive swimmer, or simply prefer the sport for fitness, a strong core will help give you better form and stability in the water. Here are a few exercises that can help in core-strengthening.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Elk Grove Fitness Center: High EPOC for Endurance and Better Figure

Just about everyone wants a fitter body. But while lots of workout types offered by traditional gyms in Elk Grove, CA promise weight loss, there are some fitness studios that can particularly help with losing fat through a more unique program—burning fat steadily, even hours after your last workout session. Such exercises may be cardio-based designed to raise the body’s post-exercise oxygen consumption or (EPOC). Basically, the higher your EPOC level goes, the more calories you burin as the body tries to recover oxygen lost during an intense workout.

How EPOC after-burn works

Your muscles need to consume more oxygen than your body can provide, especially during an intense exercise session. Even after exercise, your heart rate and your breathing are higher than normal. This is because your body is trying to “pay off its oxygen debt” to maintain homeostasis or restore itself to a pre-exercise state.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

5 Things You Need to Know About EPOC

Have you come across a fitness center that educates you about the importance of reaching your ideal EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption? You might be intrigued what its implications are to your fitness goals. Here are five basic aspects of EPOC that you ought to know.

1. It depends on exercise intensity and duration.
Activities directly affect your EPOC, which then directly affects your metabolism. When you perform longer and more intense or strenuous activities, your body demands more oxygen and resorts to other mechanisms to compensate for increased oxygen use.

2. Certain people may find it more difficult to raise their EPOC.
Hormone levels can influence EPOC, so factors like sex, age, and weight generally will affect how demanding the activities should be to raise it. Specifically, females, overweight or obese individuals, and older adults may need to exert themselves more.

3. Your EPOC will change according to your tolerance level.
If your body is used to the exercise already, you may need to mix it up or do the workout more intensely or quickly for optimal EPOC.

4. The effects can last long after your workout.
Even if you aren’t active after the intense workout, your metabolic rate could remain high throughout the day, which means your body is able to burn more calories after the workout.

5. Relying solely on EPOC won’t make your weight loss efficient.
Though the “after burn” lingers, you still have to watch what you eat and drink to maximize weight loss.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Fitness Center in Elk Grove: Achieving EPOC for a Healthy Lifestyle

To lose weight, it all comes down to the fact that you must burn more calories than you consume. A common misconception is that slow metabolism is the reason for weight gain. Metabolism is a biochemical process that converts the calories in the food you eat into the energy necessary for your body to function. While it’s true that metabolism is associated with weight, weight loss or gain is not determined primarily by your metabolic rate, unless you are suffering from a metabolic disorder. What you eat and drink, and the physical activities you perform daily are the real factors that influence your weight.

The Best Elk Grove Fitness Center Helps Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle

Technology has undoubtedly made our lives easier. Everything from food to entertainment, is within reach easily and quickly. Although it has made life easier, it has caused many of us to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle, making us less interested in physical activities. This can be a serious hazard to your health and mental well-being so it’s important to get off your couch now and get moving in a nearby Elk Grove fitness center. One in Four Americans are Inactive According to the latest numbers from the Physical Activity Council’s annual Participation Report, it appears that more people, kids, teens, and adults, are leading a sedentary life, as fewer people are participating in physical activities. In fact, over 28 percent of the population, or one in four people, had admitted to not participating in any of the 104 specified physical activities in previous years.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wrong Exercise Myths Finally Clarified

Exercise is important to a fit and healthy lifestyle, but it is has to be done right. Here are some work-out beliefs that newer studies have debunked, but many people still believe to be true:

  • Energy drink is a good work-out partner – Most energy drinks contain lots of sugar, which is then converted into energy to keep a person going. Energy drinks better suited to consume following intense work-out routine, or maybe for athletes who need to build up on stamina. However, if your work-out routine is light and only lasts for 30 minutes or so, then you’re just replacing the calories you just lost with even more calories.
  • Lactic-Acid build-up – Lactic acid actually helps the muscles. It is taken up by mitochondria in the muscle cells, which then convert it into energy.
  • You must always stretch before exercising – This has been the subject of debates but has not been established in any study. Warming-up, however, is a must, and must not be confused with stretching.
  • No pain, no gain – Soreness is to be expected after a good work-out routine. Pain, however, is a different issue altogether. You may feel heavy or sluggish after a work-out routine, but if moving causes you pain, then you may be doing it wrong.

A good work-out routine can make you feel tired, but it always brings a sense of satisfaction. Choose an exercise routine that suits your physical and health conditions best, so you can achieve optimum results without injuring or hurting yourself.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fitness Center Tips: Weight Loss and Nutrition

Working out to lose weight is not as effective if you don’t follow a healthy diet. Combine the two and you can burn fat fast. Keeping track of what you eat should be a part of your fitness program or routine. Follow a strict diet based on your calculated weight loss plan. If it helps, you can keep a food journal to keep track of your calories, portions, and other nutrition goals, but the following tips in mind for better results:

      1.      Stay away from drinks loaded with sugar.

Sugary drinks can get in the way of your weight loss, especially diet soda or certain fruit juices. You will often feel hungrier than usual when you drink a can of your favorite pop, causing you to want to eat more.

2.      Drink water instead to stay hydrated.

Instead of drinking sweet and fizzy drinks, drink water instead. Not only is it better in keeping you hydrated during and after workouts, it could also boost metabolic rate by up to 30 percent.

3.      Snack on whey proteins.

You are not forbidden to snack on a little something in between meals, you just have to be smarter about what to consume. When you get the munchies, drinking whey protein is a better snack idea because it enhances muscle growth and fat loss while filling you up as well.

These healthy habits above will maximize your weight loss and accelerate your progress. Use these tips in combination with a good workout routine at your local fitness center.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sitting All Day? How an Elk Grove Fitness Center Can Keep You Healthy

The World Health Organization recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity every week, and you can log those hours in a top-rated Elk Grove fitness center. Since you will have a personal trainer, you can have safer, more effective workouts as well as motivation to stick to a healthy lifestyle. As an alternative to Elk Grove gyms, fitness centers with state-of-the-art equipment and well-researched principles to workouts – such as Orangetheory Fitness Elk Grove – can be the best place for you to achieve your health goals. You will receive professional instruction and undergo a program backed by science, so you can get the most out of your workouts. By sticking to your program, you can considerably decrease your risks of developing chronic diseases and pave your path to a healthier life.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Top Tips to Make the Most of Your Workouts

It feels like summer in Elk Grove for much of the year and with the balmy, sunny weathers come the pressure of looking good in swimsuits and summer clothes. Achieving that dream body is possible if you focus on your goal, work hard and stay committed. If you’re planning to visit a nearby Elk Grove fitness center to shed your extra pounds and tone your body, here are some tips to make the most of your workouts:
Time your pre-workout meal properly.
It’s never advisable to work out if you haven’t eaten in a while and you’re very hungry, or you could risk passing out after and injuring yourself because you don’t have enough energy. Fuel up with some carbs like fruits and other high-fiber snacks at least an hour before you work out.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Excellent Elk Grove Fitness Center Helps You Burn Fat Post-Workout

Conventional knowledge puts it that you burn fat during exercise, and that the fat-burning process immediately grinds to a halt during rest. What if you were told, however, that you can burn fat evenafterworking out at a truly unique Elk Grove Fitness Center? That claim is backed by a scientific phenomenon known asexcess post-exercise oxygen consumption(EPOC), more commonly known in the world of fitness as “The Afterburn Effect”. Basically, the gist behind theAfterburn Effectexplains that the longer and more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterwards. This subsequently leads to increased metabolism, which only means one thing: more calories burned throughout the day.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Why Warm Up and Cool Down in a Workout Routine

You should always follow a routine of warming up before every work out and cooling off afterwards. As trainers and fitness enthusiasts know people who follow this practice will minimize the risks of injury. While we might have been told this we often don’t stop to think as to why it’s a good practice and exactly what it does to our bodies to help avoid injury. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Modern Elk Grove Fitness Center: The Advantages of a Group Workout

A group workout is characterized by a several people performing exercises together led by an instructor. There are many types of group exercise today such as aerobics, yoga, Pilates, and Zumba. Participating in group workouts has many benefits that you might miss out on if you exercise alone. Listed below are some of the advantages of working out in a group and how these benefits can help you maximize your membership in a modern Elk Grove fitness center. One of the main reasons why many people quit exercise programs is boredom. With group exercise, your instructor will lead you through a variety of exercises in their group workout programs. Furthermore, performing exercises with a group stimulates social interaction and promotes accountability and camaraderie among its members and instructor. To have someone encouraging you to work harder might just be what you need to reach your fitness goals.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Why Consider Working Out in a Fitness Center

It’s not called a fitness center for nothing. A good fitness center will have enough options and challenges for busy people who cannot work out by themselves to achieve their fitness goals. There are also certain fitness objectives that jogging alone can’t accomplish. Here are some of the many benefits of working out in a fitness training center.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Orange Approach to a Workout: Indoor Rowing

All our revolutionary fitness program demands of you is one hour of your time. The remaining 23 are yours to spend as you see fit.

There's no need to spend the whole day burning fat and toning your muscles. An hour of specialized training can make significant strides to a fitter you. Our fitness centers have developed their own programs with the one-hour workout in mind.